z/OS Service Package: X2016144

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IQ004660, IQ004658, IQ004654, IQ004652, IQ004650, IQ004640, IQ004634, IQ004629, IQ004620, IQ004600, IQ004578, IQ004566, IQ004554, IQ004534, IQ004508, IQ004507, IQ004504, IQ004500, IQ004464:

Major enhancements to SELCOPYi structure (SDO) creation both automatically, via EDIT and BROWSE operations involving non-SDO record mapping objects (e.g. COBOL/PL1 copybooks), and directly using the CREATE STRUCTURE primary command:

  1. New Feature: Support for internal COBOL copybook parsing in order to create a SELCOPYi SDO structure.

    This feature negates the install requirement that an Enterprise COBOL compiler must be present and greatly improves run times. If necessary, the compiler may still be used to generate the SYSADATA output required for SDO creation.

    Use of the internal COBOL parser is default but may be overridden using the SDE CREATE STRUCTURE or environment option, COPYBOOKPROC.

  2. New Feature: Support Auto Rec-Type ON/OFF in data edit settings (=0.4) to set INI variable SDE.RECTYPEAUTO. This setting controls whether a COBOL copybook with level 2 unions (REDEFINES) under a single level 1 group should automatically generate multiple record types based on the redefined level 2 items. Default is OFF.

  3. New Feature: Support CREATE STRUCTURE syntax to create record-type definitions from a subset of fields belonging to another, already defined record-type definintion within the same structure.


        create structure   CBL.CBLI340.SDO(IQ004464)
                name          IQ004464_RECORD
                source COBOL CBL.CBLI340.COB(IQ004464)
                level 1
                name          IQ004464_NAME
                source fields HEADERKEY
                       from   IQ004464_RECORD
                use when      HEADERTYPE='1'

  4. New Feature: Support data types VARHEX and HEXVAR to intepret a field as binary data. Field data is displayed so that each pair of hex digits in a byte is represented as 2 printable characters.

    Note: VARHEX is equivaluent to DB2 VARBINARY data type.

  5. New Feature: Support data editor row and column colouring options that get saved in the SELCOPYi structure.

  6. Correct error where CREATE STRUCTURE from HLASM DSECT used a fixed ADATA file DSN of LAC.HLASM.SYSADATA.

  7. Correct errors in CREATE STRUCTURE from DFSORT SYMNAME definitions:

    • The first SYMNAME need not start at offset 1 of the formatted input as indicated by the position reference in the SYMNAME definition. e.g. ARTIST,144,70,CH

    • No longer give error and invalid position for a SYMNAME constant definition. i.e. Position but no length and data type specified.

  8. Correct ZZSD100E internal error and failure to create a structure when a source COBOL copybook contains an 88 level specification with a large number of VALUES items and results in a SYSADATA entry which spans multiple records.

  9. Correct possible miscalulation of field offsets in record-type definitions that contain COBOL field REDEFINES of the same area but are of different lengths.

IQ004655, IQ004653, IQ004649, IQ004641, IQ004603, IQ004576, IQ004568, IQ004560, IQ004559, IQ004556, IQ004532, IQ004517, IQ004503, IQ004496, IQ004492, IQ004483, IQ004466, IQ004452:

Data Editor (SDE) fixes:

  1. Improve calculation of available storage when determining whether a Full or In-Place Edit will attempt to load all records of a data set.

  2. Correct 0C4 program check that occurred at SDEFSQX3+50C on editing a VRDS data set containing an empty slot in record 1.

  3. Display informational message whenever automatic structure selection has been used to format data displayed in a data editor browse or edit view. See AUTOSTRUCTURE option.

  4. Support "*" (asterisk) as second boundary specification on BOUNDS parameter of SHIFT primary command.

  5. Correct program check in unformatted edit when the following is true:
    • Changes are made to data in multi-record view.
    • The current record is the TOF or EOF marker.
    • UNDO is issued after switching to single record view.

  6. Tolerate edit/browse of a RECFM=V data set with record lengths (RDW values) that exceed the LRECL defined in the VTOC and return a warning message.

  7. Correct width of DECIMAL(p,s) field entry to allow input of a value of maximum precision, a decimal point and a numeric sign.

  8. Correct potential loop that occurred when an unbalanced SDE expression was used on a LOCATE primary command.

  9. Correct use of COBOL field names in SDE expressions which contain "-" hyphen characters. Previously, SELCOPYi treated the hyphen as arithmetic operator minus.

  10. Correct display of hexadecimal representation of record info values (SET RECINFO ON RECLEN HEX).

  11. Correct unresponsive behaviour that occurred when using the SDE Browse/Edit Utilities Menu to update record information display settings.

  12. Correct KSDS key field highlighting so that field following the key field is not highlighted.

  13. Edit of the structure associations table (SET STRUCTURE EDIT) should always be displayed as mapped, regardless of the prevailing MAP/UNMAP status.

  14. Correct FIND processing when a regular expression is used in combination with a start position and no end position. The default end position is now the right boundary value for a regular expression search string.
  15. Correct loop that occurs if executing TEDIT QUERY INIVAR.

IQ004668, IQ004667, IQ004621, IQ004557, IQ004548, IQ004536, IQ004526, IQ004521:

Data Editor (SDE) enhancements and fixes for DB2 table browse and edit:

  1. New Feature: Support new primary commands to process DB2 table XML column data.

    XMLLEN Return the length of the document belonging to an XML column entry.
    XMLEDIT Open a text edit view to edit the XML document. Changes to the XML data are saved when SAVE is executed in the parent DB2 table edit view.
    XMLVIEW Like XMLEDIT except that changes cannot be saved unless a DSN is assigned to the text edit view. (SET FILEID)
    XMLBRWS Open a data edit view to browse the XML document. No XML formatting will occur.
    GETXML Copy an XML document from a DB2 table XML column entry to a data set, library member or HFS file path.
    PUTXML Load an XML document from a data set, library member or HFS file to a DB2 table XML column entry.

  2. New Feature: Support DB2 scrollable cursors if the SYSTEM INI file is configured with INI variable DB2.SCROLL=YES.

    BROWSE/EDIT commands now support parameter SCROLL (mutually exclusive with parameters FROM and FOR) to indicate that a scrollable cursor should be used.

  3. Support new TIMESTAMP data types introduced with DB2 v11, namely:
    Where p is the precision (0-12 with default 6) of the fraction of a second.

  4. Support introduced for option COLWIDTHAUTO to set the initial COLWIDTH value of each DB2 variable length fields in the display to the size of the longest value loaded into that column.

    This option is already in place for DB2 browse, and will continue to be the default.

                              +- ON --+ +- Browse -+
                              |       | |          |
        >>- SET COLWIDTHAuto -+-------+-+----------+-<<
                              |       | |          |
                              +- OFF -+ +- Edit ---+
                                        |          |
                                        +- All ----+

IQ004643, IQ004623, IQ004598, IQ004592, IQ004569, IQ004561, IQ004552, IQ004541, IQ004540, IQ004524, IQ004509, IQ004486, IQ004482, IQ004460, IQ004456, IQ004453, IQ004448, IQ004260:

DB2 Utilities and Object management new features, enhancements and fixes:

  1. New Feature: Support DB2 LOAD and UNLOAD utility panels to generate JCL batch procedures.

  2. New Feature: Support panels to rename DB2 table and index objects.

  3. New Feature: Support panels to alter a DB2 table space.
    (Prefix command "A" in table space list.)

  4. New Feature: Introduce panels to create a SELCOPYi structure based on a DB2 result table.

  5. Compare DB2 Result Tables utility panels enhanced to support selection of table index key columns for a DB2 VIEW that selects all columns of a base table. Similarly if a DB2 table ALIAS or SYNONYM is used

  6. Support PARENT or CHILD parameter on REDIT primary command, without a constraint name, to use the first (or only) parent or child constraint relationship respectively.

  7. Create TABLE dialog updated so that selection of a model table cannot be bypassed if a blank is entered or a wildcard is left in the model table specification.
    . Also correct a possible 0C4 program check that occurred when a table was created in a range partitioned table space but no table controlled partition ranges were defined.

  8. Create INDEX panels corrected to allow creation of an index using non-XML key columns when an XML column exists in the table.

  9. Drop object panels updated so that they adopt the same panel view sequence as create DB2 object panels and use the common "Generate SQL" view as the last view in the sequence.

  10. Create TRIGGER panels updated to avoid potential SQL Error -811 being returned when verifying the trigger package name.

  11. DB2 Audit log print utility updated to correctly identify the install library prefix.

  12. Correct failure to suppress DB2 connection via the LDTAB (List DB2 tables) facility when the user does not have READ access to the SELCOPYi DB2 RACF resource and SYSTEM INI file option RACF.RESOURCECHECK=YES

  13. Correct DB2 related panels to treat "_" as a single character wildcard only if it is not part of an existing DB2 object name (ordinary SQL identifier).

IQ004637, IQ004636, IQ004596, IQ004542, IQ004525, IQ004522, IQ004519, IQ004495, IQ004494, IQ004455:

Text Editor (CBLe) minor enhancements and fixes:

  1. Correct failure to delete text using CDELETE :n, where :n identifies a column number that is before the current focus column. The command now successfully deletes text between the 2 columns.

  2. Correct support for EXCLUDE ALL .ZCSR .ZCSR

  3. EDIT and EDIT - (i.e. no fileid specified) now execute MDINEXT and MDIPREV respectively to include non-text editor views. Previously, these commands would move focus to the next or previous text edit view respectively.

  4. Correct loop that occurs when line command "M" (move) is entered on a line and line command "A" (after) is entered in the line before.
    i.e. no change to the text.

  5. Documentation included for EQU. (Enter "HELP EQU")

  6. Update message line text output for the following:
    • EQU

  7. Correct message ZZSE135I to say "CAPS OFF set" instead of "CAPS ON set" when edited data is mixed case but option CASE UPPER was in effect before the text was edited.

  8. Correct potential 0C4 program check that occurred on execution of a macro that includes an ALLOC or FREE command which returned an invalid return value.

  9. Correct cursor positioning following execution of a MARK LINE command when assigned to an AID (PF) key, immediately following execution of a line command.
    e.g. "I" (Insert)

  10. Colour highlighting of SELCOPY SYSPRINT output is no longer applied. Previously, "HILITE SELCOPY" was set automatically.

IQ004633, IQ004446, IQ004458, IQ004613, IQ004601, IQ004544:

File Search and Update (FSU) utility new features and problem fixes:

  1. Support specification of an ampersand (&) prefix on a DDname that represents a library concatenation.

    In doing so, if the same member name exists in more than one of the libraries, then only the first occurrence of the member within the concatenation will be searched.

    e.g. In the following, the member DSNTEDIT may occur in more than one library in the SYSPROC
            library concatenation however, only the first occurrence will be searched.


  2. Correct failure to select records based on a FILTER specification when an OUTPUT data set is also specified. Note that this problem also affected the File Copy (FCOPY) utility.

  3. Correct an abnormal program termination that occurred when more than 16 FIND operations were specified as part of search operation.

  4. Continue processing and report as an I/O error an attempt to copy a record to a VSAM KSDS data set which contains a duplicate key or one that is out of sequence.

IQ004463, IQ004589:

Compare Library (COMPLIB) utility new features and problem fixes:

  1. Panel and primary command updated to support specification of an ampersand (&) prefix on a DDname that represents a library concatenation.

    A DDname library concatenation may be specified as the new and/or old library reference. If the DDname is prefixed with ampersand and a member with the same member name exists in more than one of the libraries, then only the first occurrence of the member within the concatenation will be compared.

  2. Supported included for uncataloged library specification as volser:dsn

  3. Correct truncation of the generated COMPFILE primary commands which occurred when the combination of the library DSN lengths and generated options exceeded 133 characters.

IQ004662, IQ004659, IQ004617, IQ004475, IQ004474:

Compare File (COMPFILE) utility problem fixes:

  1. Correct key synchronisation failure that occurred when the key is located at the end of short records that are of variable length.

  2. Correct failure to synchronise records with matching key data on a compare operation performed on formatted records where the nominated key is a group field.

  3. Correct 0C4 program check that occurred when a compare is performed on sorted key fields within formatted records and the key is comprised of all fields in the record.

  4. Correct potential failure to detect a differrence when comparing files with a structure for records containing variable length arrays or external VARCHAR fields.

  5. Correct name of field reported when a mis-match is found using a structured compare where the difference is follows a variable length field or array entries and MAPPING OFF is in effect.

IQ004607, IQ004472:

Migration utilities that convert XREF format to SELCOPYi SDO structures updated:

  1. XREFSF macro to convert an ASG SMARTFILE XREF file amended so that the generated JCL deck remains the focus text edit view on completion.

  2. Introduce XREFFMST macro to convert CA-FileMaster layout files.

IQ004539, IQ004597:

Correction to DSI/INFO utility where display of DB2 table or dataset information report output fails if the user defined HLQ data set name prefix (USERDSNPREFIX) includes a hash (#) character.

IQ004586, IQ004584, IQ004538, IQ004550:

CSV and XML generation (CSVGEN/XMLGEN) utility problem fixes:

  1. Correct garbage values displayed in CSVGEN error messages ZZSD219E and ZZSD570E.

  2. Correct attempt to drop a locked SELCOPYi SDO structure resulting in errors ZZSD015E, ZZSD264E and ZZSP108E. This occurred following a second or subsequent open of the CSVGEN or XMLGEN dialog for the same copybook where SELECT had been used to restrict column selection.

  3. Correct a program check that occurred when using the XMLGEN primary command to output XML to a file with an LRECL value less than the length of the generated comment text.


MERGE macro utility to merge records from multiple data sets, each sorted by the same key field, updated so that records that fail to write are written to SYSPRINT. e.g. If output is to a KSDS data set and an output record contains a duplicate key value or one that is out of sequence.


Execution of the File Utilities macro (FILEUTIL) against entries in a DB2 table list is now supported using prefix command "SC". The pop-up menu displays items to generate template SELCOPY batch program control statements to read and print the selected DB2 table.

For JCL batch, the STEPLIB DD card is generated from SELCOPYi INI variable DB2xxxx.LOADPATH where xxxx is the DB2 subsystem name.

IQ004537, IQ004484:

SELCOPY and SLC batch program execution utilities, RUNSELC and RUNSLC, enhanced:

  1. Temporary SYSPRINT output data set, displayed in a text edit view on completion, is now assigned RECFM=VBA, LRECL=1024. This allows display of long error messages and user printed text.

  2. Support provision of SELCOPY and SLC parameter (PARM) text passed as arguments following the RUNSELC and RUNSLC primary commands.

IQ004664, IQ004530, IQ004531:

Include load modules ZZSCTRAC and ZZSATRAC (alias CBLATRAC and APEATRAC respectively) to support the SELCOPYi TRACE facility. This facility is primarily used to generate formatted and/or unformatted trace output for trouble shooting and its output may be required by CBL for problem determination.

Trace should not be activated unless requested to do so by CBL.

The trace facility is started as follows:

  1. Primary command TRACE.

         >>- TRACE + ON -+ -PGM + CBLATRAC + -DSN odsn -><
                   |     |      |          |
                   + OFF +      + APEATRAC +

    where, odsn is the DSN of a sequential dataset allocated as LRECL=256,RECFM=VB.

  2. If ddname CBLILIBT is allocated, then trace output relating to library activation/deactivation is automatically written to the data set allocated to CBLILIBT.


Formatted output from the DB2 SQL execution utility (EXECSQL) is no longer included in the SELCOPYi automatic structure selection facility. (See Data Edit options AUTOSTRUCTURE and STRUCTURE)


SELCOPYi List output interface (SLCLIST) for SLC READ LIST enhanced to support the following list types:

List Type Description
LSG List SMS Storage Groups
LSGV List SMS Storage Group Volumes
CLD List Concatenated Library Directory
LCA List Catlaog Aliases

List type FL is now no longer a synonym for LD (List DataSets), but a synonym for LC (List Catalog entries) as documented by the SELCOPYi LC primary command.

IQ004663, IQ004647, IQ004595, IQ004594, IQ004593, IQ004555, IQ004553, IQ004470:

SELCOPY Debugger utility enhanced and updated as follows:

  1. For debug of SELCOPY started under the IMS/DL1 region controller (DFSRRC00), support included for SELCOPY primary command parameter, -CKPTID, to specify a checkpoint restart ID.

  2. Support an explicit SELCOPY CALL operation to call ASMTDLI (required to perform XRST/CHKP). To do this, the SELCOPY debugger needs to intercept the call to ASMTDLI and perform the call via the IMS/DL1 subtask.

  3. SELCOPY DB2 interface, SELCOPQL, upgraded to handle all DB2 data types supported by DB2 V11.

  4. Minor enhancements to the SELCOPY/Debug Job-Step Selection List panel. Debug column entries now display underscores to indicate that they are enterable. Also, Step Name and Info columns are now non-enterable.

  5. Correct passing back of the SELCOPY return code when executing under the IMS/DL1 region controller.


Correct CBLVCAT Interactive (VCAT) utility which erroneously used the CBLV operation MOD to rename a data set in z/OS. It now generates the SELCOPYi primary command RENAME.

Note that MOD is supported for z/VSE only.

IQ004646; IQ004567, IQ004545, IQ004467, IQ004450:

General panel enhancements and fixes:

  1. Prevent scroll down when there is no further text to be displayed.

  2. Enhancements to initial sort order of entries in list and table child windows.

  3. Support a DDName in place of a dataset name or library member specification at relevant panel field prompts.

  4. Display "No matching entries" message if no entries match the wildcard mask provided in a field for which a pop-up list selection panel would otherwise be displayed.

IQ004445, IQ004454:

Regular Expression fixes:

  1. Correct possible failure to find text matched by a regular expression containing the power operator "^" (circumflex)

  2. Suppress any potential upper casing of a regular expression search string.


Correct operations and utilities involving IAM data sets. IAM data set clusters have associated components cataloged with names that contain lower case characters.

SELCOPYi must prevent upper casing of IAM DSN filter masks prior to calling the Catalog Search Interface.

Innovation Software fix P-92.0063 to IAM 9.2 is also required. Described as follows:







IQ004631, IQ004585, IQ004582, IQ004580, IQ004497, IQ004489, IQ004465, IQ004451:

List Window fixes:

  1. Correct filter of list window entries that are based on date columns.
    e.g. WHERE LASTMOD > '2015/03'.

  2. Correct possible "ZZSE014E - Invalid File Name" that occurred when the List window TEXT primary command or menu item was executed and no ACF OMVS configuration exists for the current ACF userid.

  3. Suppress pop-up message ZZSW018W displayed for an empty z/VM CMS file list window.

  4. Save and restore the width of individual list window types.

  5. Stripe count field suppressed for Catalog and Data set lists by default. Reporting stripe count adversely affects execution performance.

  6. Version and Modification levels of members displayed in a library list corrected to be unsigned integer data type.

IQ004602, IQ004599, IQ004535, IQ004477:

Install procedure and product status enhancements:

  1. Display expiry information in the "ABOUT" product information panel.

  2. FIRSTUSE SITE ammended to report error conditions and conflicts that may occur based on selection of install library HLQ.

  3. Improve the SELCOPYi start up elapsed time.

  4. General modifications and corrections to text in the install documentation and in CMX files: FIRSTUSE and VSEINST.


Alternate KEYLISTs supported for use in 3270 emulator keyboard macros. This includes an enhancement to primary command KEYLIST to support PUSH and POP parameters:

    KEYLIST PUSH <newkeylistname>
    KEYLIST POP   <command>

IQ004670, IQ004665, IQ004638, IQ004635, IQ004610, IQ004574, IQ004573, IQ004563, IQ004546, IQ004520, IQ004518, IQ004511, IQ004481, IQ004480, IQ004478, IQ003286:

Miscellaneous SELCOPYi fixes:

  1. Correct potential failure of internal links within HTML help documents.

  2. Correct window placement and resizing following a change to the ISPF logical screen size.

  3. Update error message reporting to distinguish between a non-existant dataset and one that is not a PDS/PDSE library.

  4. Correct interpretation of an environment variable specification containing an "&" (ampersand) constant value. e.g. '%&%' is '&'

  5. Support INFO is a synonym for DSI in all window classes.

  6. Unrecognised commands now passed to TSO if ISPF OFF is set.

  7. Correct possible 0C4 program check on exit of SELCOPYi.

  8. Correct NEXTMAINWINDOW failure.

  9. Primary command PFSHOW ALL now displays a maximum of 12 entries per line so that shift keys values are aligned.

  10. Continued updates to "SELCOPY/i" references as "SELCOPYi".

  11. Support the following new window positioning primary commands that justify the window position relative to the limits of the available screen display area (ISPF logical screen size).

    JTOP Justify Top
    JBOTTOM Justify Bottom
    JLEFT Justify Left
    JRIGHT Justify Right

  12. Correct potential loop or 0C1 program check that could occur when PFSHOW OFF was set following exit and re-start of the Text Editor main window.

Operating System:
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Correct possible GETMAIN abends that occurred on repeated OPEN/CLOSE of a PDS or PDSE library read with DIRDATA.

Same problem in previous release.


Update to the SELCOPY batch DB2 interface (also used by SELCOPYi for SELCOPY debug) to support data types introduced in DB2 v10.