SELCOPY Downloads


SELCOPY is available for IBM z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM operating systems via the SELCOPY Product Suite. The SELCOPY Product Suite includes many additional programs which are provided as part of the SELCOPY licence.


SELCOPY is also available for IBM z/Linux, Microsoft Windows, various UNIX platforms.

For each supported system, the latest releases of the SELCOPY product may be downloaded and installed via this web page.


Note that CBL software is password protected based on an operational date range and a unique company name/location string. Please contact CBL for product passwords or to arrange a free product trial.

Note that a number of SELCOPY for Windows PC workstation licences are included free of charge as part of the SELCOPY for z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM mainframe Licence Agreement.


SELCOPY Product Suite for z/OS

SELCOPY Product Suite installation for z/OS is performed via SMP/E electronic delivery. Bootstrap install jobs, new features and installation documentation are itemised in the table below.

SELCOPY Product Suite for z/OS Install Documentation File Size Last Update
README 10,716 bytes 2023/03/21 16:10
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 Program Directory 199,753 bytes 2021/11/01 16:49
RFNJOBHS   (transfer via HTTPS) 7,276 bytes 2023/03/21 16:10
RFNJOBH    (transfer via HTTP) 6,300 bytes 2023/03/21 16:10
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 New Features 628,810 bytes 2021/11/01 16:56
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 Customisation Guide 671,697 bytes 2021/11/01 16:47

Links to documentation relating to use of the individual SELCOPY Product Suite components may found in the documentation page.

As your first step to installing the SELCOPY Product Suite, please read the README text file which includes bootstrap instructions that describe the different options for transferring the SMP/E product package to your z/OS host.

SMP/E product installation steps are documented in the SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 Program Directory, and product customistation steps, required to complete installation, are documented in the SELCOPY Product Suite Customisation Guide.

The methods for electronic transfer of installation material are documented in detail in the README text file but are summarised as follows:

  1. Directly transfer the product package materials from the CBL web server (via HTTPS or HTTP) to an HFS (or ZFS) directory on the z/OS host using either of the supplied job streams. (RFNJOBHS for transfer via HTTPS, or RFNJOBH for transfer via HTTP.)

    Whichever job is chosen, it should be copied to a member of a job library on the z/OS system, tailored for your local environment and submitted for batch processing. Job tailoring instructions are found in the comment data at the start of each member.

    In either job, if the "TRANSFERONLY" option is uncommented, then package material is simply transferred to the z/OS host. This is preferable if the SELCOPY Product Suite is to be installed into a new SMP/E global CSI (Consolidated Software Inventory). Sample jobs to define a new SMP/E environment are provided in the product package and may be executed later as part of the SMP/E product installation procedure.

    Omit the "TRANSFERONLY" option if you intend to RECEIVE material directly into an existing SMP/E global CSI. Additionally, for installations running SMP/E 34.09 or later, uncomment/tailor the SMPJHOME and SMPCPATH DD statements to perform SHA-1 package integrity checking using Java.

  2. If you are unable to transfer the SMP/E package material directly to your z/OS host from the CBL web server (perhaps because firewall restrictions prohibit it), then one of the product bundle archives (zip or pax.Z) may be downloaded to your local workstation as an alternative. Actions required following download of the two different archive formats are as follow:

    1. The zip archive must be unzipped to a folder of the Windows workstation before executing the supplied cblftpz.cmd Windows batch procedure to FTP the package material from the workstation to the z/OS host HFS directory.

    2. The pax.Z archive may be transferred from the Windows/Mac/Linux workstation to the z/OS host HFS directory and extracted using the z/OS Unix shell command, pax. (See README for sample pax utility extract archive command.)

SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 for z/OS - Package Archives File Size Last Update
CBL21042-01.ZIP 22,728,129 bytes 2023/03/21 17:09
CBL21042-01.pax.Z 30,933,504 bytes 2023/03/21 17:09

  1. The product package includes all published service to SELCOPY Product Suite and will be applied as part of the product installation.

  2. SELCOPY for Windows may also be installed on Microsoft Windows workstations as part of the SELCOPY for z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM mainframe Licence Agreement.
z/VSE and z/VM

SELCOPY Product Suite for z/VSE and z/VM

Prior to install of SELCOPY Product Suite on mainframe z/VSE and/or z/VM systems, please read the README text file and SELCOPY Product Suite Installation Guides for VM/CMS and/or VSE as appropriate.

Please note, the New Features document below applies almost entirely to z/OS.
Only very minor maintenance and enhancements are applicable to z/VSE and z/VM systems.

SELCOPY Product Suite for z/VM and z/VSE Documentation File Size Last Update
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 New Features 629,767 bytes 2020/10/27 16:09

The software products included in the following SELCOPY Product Suite bundles for z/VSE and z/VM are base (un-zapped) versions only. Please refer to the SELCOPY Technical Support page for all published maintenance to SELCOPY Product Suite.

Product Zip Files Zip File Size Last Update
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 for CMS and VM/VSE 6,771,302 bytes 2021/02/18 16:19
SELCOPY Product Suite 3.50 for VSE 6,448,137 bytes 2021/02/18 16:26

Links to documentation relating to use of the individual SELCOPY Product Suite components may found in the documentation page.

SELCOPY Product Suite bundles for z/VM and z/VSE include the SELCOPY for Windows product bundle which may be installed on Microsoft Windows workstations as part of the SELCOPY for z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM mainframe licence agreement.

Microsoft Windows

SELCOPY for Microsoft Windows

Prior to installing SELCOPY on any of the following systems, please read the install instructions contained in the README text file found within the product bundle zip archive.

A number of SELCOPY for Windows PC workstation licences are included free of charge as part of the SELCOPY for Mainframe, UNIX, Linux and AS/400 server licence agreements. Therefore, users of SELCOPY on these platforms may also download and install SELCOPY for Windows on their Windows PC workstations.

See SELCOPY C++ Version (SLC) Release 3.50 Language Reference, for details of features included in the SELCOPY C++ version since SELCOPY 3.40 Build 001.

Product File Size Last Update
SELCOPY 3.50 Build:001 (for Microsoft Windows) 1,639,196 bytes 2021/02/22 14:19


SELCOPY for Linux

Install of SELCOPY for 64-Bit Linux systems (e.g. RHEL, SuSE, etc.) involves decompressing a gzip tape archive (.tgz) file to your SELCOPY product directory (e.g. /opt/selcopy/s300_007) and then defining symbolic links for executable and config files in a directory included in the system $path variable.

Install guidelines and methods of SELCOPY execution may be found in the accompanying README text file included in the product tar bundle. The link in the table below will download the .tgz file:

Product md5sum File Size Last Update
SELCOPY 3.50 Build:022 (for Linux 64-Bit) b3cac064b133d280a45751fb79532b2e 196,080 bytes 2023/06/13 16:46

zSeries Linux

SELCOPY for zSeries Linux

SELCOPY for zSeries Linux systems is supplied here as a zip archive. Please refer to the install instructions contained in the README text file found within the product zip archive.

Product File Size Last Update
SELCOPY 2.08 Build:379 (for UNIX: Linux z) 133,104 bytes 2004/04/05 17:21
Other Platforms

SELCOPY for Other Platforms

Prior to installing SELCOPY on any of the following systems, please read the install instructions contained in the README text file found within the product bundle zip archive.

Product File Size Last Update
SELCOPY 2.08 Build:343 (for UNIX: IBM AIX) 150,412 bytes 2003/08/27 10:22
SELCOPY 2.08 Build:370 (for UNIX: SUN/Solaris) 132,557 bytes 2003/12/10 15:50